It’s no secret that Gen Z is the most connected generation yet—but did you know just how deeply they’re embedded in social media? And how much they depend on it, and  how does it affect the way they spend their day?

If you’re wondering what exactly Gen Z is, and why they’re so different from other generations, here are some surprising statistics about Gen Z and social media.

Key Finding on Gen Z Social Media Usage

  • Approximately, 94% of Gen Z use social media today.
  • 61.1 million Gen Zers in the United States are active social media users
  • The average Gen Z spends 2 hours and 43 minutes on social media every day.
  • 50% of Gen Z use social media daily.
  • The average Gen Z’er spends more than 10.6  hours online each day.

What Percentage Of Gen Z Uses Social Media

94% of Gen Z use social media according to a recent study by Morning Consult. That’s almost all of them! And what’s even more incredible is that this number has been steadily increasing over the past few years. 

Percentage of Gen Z On Social Media

Just a few years ago, only 77% of Gen Z used social media. But now, almost everyone in this generation is on at least one social media platform. 

This usage isn’t just limited to older teens and tweens either; even younger kids are getting in on the action. In fact, the study found that the youngest users, ages 8-11, are the most likely to use social media. With such a high percentage of Gen Zers using social media, it’s clear that this generation is highly connected and engaged online.

How Much Time Does Gen Z Spend on Social Media

According to a recent study, the average teenager spends 2 hours and 43 minutes on social media every day. That’s more than 10% of their waking hours! And it’s not just idle scrolling – teenagers are using social media for a variety of activities. 

How Much Time Does Gen Z Spend on Social Media

41% say they use social media to stay in touch with friends, while 34% use it to find out about news and current events. Just over a quarter use social media for entertainment, and 14% say it helps them with schoolwork. With such a large chunk of their time spent on social media, it’s no wonder that teenagers are so connected to the online world.

How Many Gen Z Use Social Media

According to our studies, 61.1 million Gen Zers in the United States are active social media users, and this number is only expected to grow. There are 1.3 billion Gen Zers using social media worldwide, making them a key demographic for businesses and brands. 

How Many Gen Z Use Social Media

In addition to being active users, Gen Zers are also some of the most influential consumers, with 90% of them saying that their purchase decisions are influenced by social media. Given their size and influence, it’s clear that Gen Zers will continue to shape the future of social media.

How Often Does Gen Z Use Social Media

A recent study found that 50% of Gen Z use social media daily. This is not surprising given the ubiquity of social media in our culture. What is surprising, however, is the way that Gen Z uses social media.

Unlike older generations, who tend to use social media for networking or staying in touch with friends, Gen Z is more likely to use social media for entertainment or to connect with like-minded people. 

How Often Does Gen Z Use Social Media
Frequency of UsePercentage of Gen Z
A few time per week18%
Once per week9%
A few times per month10%
Once per month3%
Less than once per month4%

Frequency Of Using Social Media By Generations

GenerationDailyA few times per weekOnce per weekA few times per monthOnce per monthLess than once per monthNever
Generation Z50%18%9%10%3%4%6%
Generation X37%14%5%6%2%7%29%

Gen Z Social Media Platforms 2022

Snapchat (96%) , TikTok( 91%), Youtube (87%), and Instagram (83%) are the top three social media platforms used by Gen Z, according to a new study done by National Research Group.

These results reflect a shift in social media usage among young people. In the past, Facebook and Snapchat were the most popular platforms among teenagers and young adults. However, Snapchat has lost ground to TikTok in recent years, and Instagram has gained popularity as a result.

This study shows that Gen Z is increasingly turning to social media platforms that offer more visual content and fewer words. Snapchat, with its focus on photos and videos, is well-positioned to continue its popularity among Gen Zers. TikTok, with its short-form videos, is also appealing to this age group. As Gen Z continues to grow up in a digital world, it’s likely that their social media habits will continue to evolve.

Gen Z: Social Media and Shopping Habits

Gen Z: Social Media and Shopping Habits

There’s no doubt that social media plays a big role in the lives of Generation Z. In fact, 50% of Gen Zers use social media to discover new products and research information about potential purchases according to an emarketer study. This means that social media is a powerful tool for marketers who want to reach this demographic. 

When it comes to shopping habits, Gen Zers are highly influenced by their peers. They’re much more likely to make a purchase if they see their friends or influencers using or endorsing a product. This is why it’s so important for brands to create content that resonates with Gen Zers and gets them talking. If you can create a buzz on social media, you’re well on your way to reaching this key demographic.

Gen Z And The Rise Of Social Commerce

Gen Z And The Rise Of Social Commerce

(97%) of Gen Z shoppers use social media for shopping ideas. That’s according to a recent report by Forbes. In addition, the report found that nearly half (45%) of Gen Z shoppers have bought something online after seeing it on social media. These findings suggest that social media is playing an increasingly important role in the way that young people shop.

As social commerce continues to grow, businesses will need to find ways to capitalize on this trend. One way to do this is by partnering with influencers.

Gen Z and Social Media: Good or Bad for Mental Health?

Gen Z and Social Media: Good or Bad for Mental Health?

48% of Gen Zers say social media has made them feel more anxious, according to a press release published by HHCC

The report, which surveyed more than 2,000 people ages 18-25, found that 58% of Gen Zers seek relief from their anxiety by scrolling through social media. While social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with friends and family, it can also have a negative effect on mental health. 

This begs the question: is social media really good for our mental health? While it can be argued that social media has its positives, such as staying connected with friends and family, the negatives seem to outweigh the positives when it comes to mental health. Social media can be addicting and can cause people to compare their lives to others, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.

In addition, research also found out that 61% of Gen Z are planning to take a break from social media. This suggests that many young people are aware of the negative impact social media can have on their mental wellbeing.

Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms among Gen Z according to a report published by National Research Group. It’s no surprise that this app has grown so popular, with features like filters and snap streaks.

Gen Z Most Used Social Media

Snapchat allows users to quickly connect with friends and family, share photos and videos, and even play games. What’s more, Snapchat also offers a variety of filters that can be used to make photos and videos more fun and interesting. As a result, it’s no surprise that Snapchat is one of the most used social media platforms among Gen Z.

Gen Z Social Media Usage Statistics

Frequency of UsePercentage of Gen Z
A few time per week18%
Once per week9%
A few times per month10%
Once per month3%
Less than once per month4%

How Much Time Does Gen Z Spend Online

How Much Time Does Gen Z Spend Online

According to a recent report by Adobe, the average Gen Z’er spends more than 10.6  hours online each day. That’s more time than any other generation. And it’s not just social media: Gen Z is also more likely to be engaged in online shopping, gaming, and streaming than any other group. 

So what does this mean for businesses? 

For starters, marketing to Generation Z will necessitate a more sophisticated internet presence. It also means that businesses need to be prepared to meet the demands of a more digitally savvy customer base. In short, the rise of Gen Z is changing the way we do business – and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Final Thoughts

It is clear that Gen Z and social media go hand in hand. This generation has grown up with the internet, and they are comfortable with it as a part of their daily lives. They use social media to inform themselves and their peers about current events, while also using it to connect with friends and family.

According to statistics, Gen Z will continue to utilize social media as they grow older, therefore marketers should keep this in mind while developing content for them.

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